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Philippinische Journalistin Ressa verurteilt
Philippinische Journalistin Ressa verurteilt
Duterte will alle kritischen Stimmen zum Schweigen bringen und Ressa gehört auch dazu. Der Job eines kritischen Journalisten auf den Philippinen ist sehr gefährlich. Morde, Senderschließungen und zumindest dem Anschein nach willkürliche Verurteilungen von Dutertekritikern sehen nicht gerade nach demokratischer Pressefreiheit aus.
Folgenden Kommentar habe ich Heute bei fb gesehen ... da geht einem doch glatt die Hutschnur hoch ... aber wenn das wirklich die Volksmeinung sein sollte, brauchen wir uns nicht wundern, wenn sich nichts verändert, zumindest nicht zum Guten ...


You are now officially a CONVICTED CRIMINAL. You can cry all you want. But this fact will remain: YOU ARE A CONVICTED CRIMINAL!

It may take years for your conviction to become final and executory, pending your appeal to Court of Appeals and eventually to the Supreme Court. But seeing you convicted today in RTC was truly a JOY to 97% of us Filipinos. It's like seeing your notorious 'tsismosa' neighbor getting convicted with a life sentence. Our hearts jumped to cloud 9!

Too bad you only get below 6 years imprisonment. Many of us wished you would be hanged in public. Many of us wished you would be killed by firing squad. Many of us wished your head will be cut by a gulletin and let that ugly head of yours roll to the ground for our satisfaction.

We want to see your arrogant, over-confident and tiny monster face getting humbled, embarassed and disposed with finality.

You want to know why? Because you have maligned, insulted, belittled, disrespected and humiliated our nation and culture with your fake news and lies.

You acted as if you are better than our President and the rest of us Filipinos simply because you are an American citizen and some kind of international journalist. To be honest, we don't see you as American or a journalist for that matter. Oh far from it. We see you more as an arrogant female monkey who speaks english with American accent. Nothing more.

I am not a troll. I am one of the millions of Filipino citizen who are tired of reading your endless fake news. I am one of the millions of Filipinos who think you are a fake journalist. I am one of the millions of Filipinos who believe you serve the interest of local and international oligarchs. I am one of the millions of Filipinos who know for a fact that you are not a Filipino.

We know you have the backing of super rich and super powerful international entities. We know you have friends with all the resources to twist the truth and make you a "martyr" in the eyes of the world. But we dont care. You and your international media friends can cry all you want.

But as far as we are concern, you are but a fake journalist who is now a CONVICTED CRIMINAL in Philippine soil. Its our country. Its our Laws. It's our Rules. There's nothing you can do about it!

If eventually you'll get imprisoned, don't worry you won't get raped. Your fellow convicts will not be interested in you. You know why? Because Filipino men have good tastes, convict or not.

Filipinos are beautiful. You are not. Filipinos are lovable. You are not. Filipinos are generally honest and sincere. You are not. Filipinos are respectful. You are not. Filipinos are true human beings. Well, you almost look like one, but we are sure you're not.

You are but a package of arrogance, lies and ugliness rolled into one.


DDS from Cebu"
Die Leserkommentare, die ich gestern bei Yahoo Philippines gelesen habe, waren auch ähnlich. Tschüss Kann aber natürlich sein, dass Duterte Leute dafür bezahlt, die die Meinung manipulieren sollen. Keine Ahnung
Interessante Information aus dem Verfahren:

Es geht dabei um einen Artikel, der im Jahr 2012 veröffentlicht worden ist. Das umstrittene Gesetz zur Cyberkriminalität, mit dem die Bestrafung begründet wird, ist aber erst Monate nach dieser Veröffentlichung in Kraft getreten.  Da wundert man sich schon. Das tut weh ...

ntv - Angebliche Verleumdung Philippinisches Gericht verurteilt Journalistin
„Tod durch tausend Schnitte“
Interessanter Kommentar im Inquirer. Sieht so aus, als ob der Schreiber in den USA ist. Auf den Philippinen müsste er jetzt sehr, sehr aufpassen...

Zitat:The reason why the Duterte regime is harassing Maria Ressa is clear.
He inspired a horrifying campaign of mass slaughter, a wave of violence that has killed thousands of poor Filipinos. And Maria Ressa and Rappler have been helping expose the killings to the world.

So Duterte’s response was predictable. He is naturally furious with and afraid of Maria Ressa and of every journalist who is doing what needs to be done in the face of the Duterte slaughter.

Inquirer - Why Duterte is so scared of Maria Ressa

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